Tuesday, March 25, 2008


There are many things Diego-san is good at. Lounging is certainly on his list of talents.

What I like about Diego as a lounger is that he's able to look perfectly comfortable just about anywhere he chooses to rest. And just as I'm admiring a new pose in a new location I'll look over again to see that he's moved to a different spot looking just as comfortable and relaxed as can be. He's made lounging an art form.


Daisy said...

I can tell that Diego is a good lounger! I am not so good, because sometimes I will forget where I am and stretch really big and fall right off.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Lounging is an art form and should be treated such. I see that Diego is quite good at it.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Diego-san does look awfully comfortable!